Today is my Grandmother's birthday. I would love to tell you how old she would be if she was still alive but the truth is that I don't know how old she would be. My guess would be about 87, but I am sure that as I write this, she is looking down from Heaven cursing me out because I am thinking of her older then she would really be.
To celebrate the birth of my wonderful Grandma Lola, my family, held a birthday party in her honor. Where we filled ourselves with her favorite foods which is roast beef, potatoes, corn and green jello with pineapples in it. Then for dessert was tapioca pudding and sheet cake. It was all delicious and make me wish for a taste of her cooking again. (And if we were to have done a breakfast birthday party it would have been orange juice and frozen blueberry waffles.)
Then before ending the night we pulled out the Triominos, her favorite game. I was about to pull out twister too, but realized that I gave that game away when I stopping being good at it which was about 6th grade.
I loved my Grandma, and will make sure that she will never be forgotten by me or any later generation because every December 28th there will be a Grandma Lola Birthday party where we honor her birth.